Mike Get's Lyme Disease !

July 15, 1999 - Mike gets Lyme Disease !


This is not mike but Jan writing this note.

Mike has 2nd stage Lyme disease!! I guess second stage means you have a more

extensive rash. Is he sick?? He has had what he thought was some flu like

symtoms for the last week but nothing serious. He called last night from Pa.

in a place about 50 miles from the New Jersey boarder in a small town with

a population of 1000. I believe he said it was Delaware Water Gap. But the

nice part about this little town was that they have a clinic/ M.D. who has

treated many cases of Lyme disease . (I don't think it was a doc in a box

place) The M.D. took one look at Mike and said yes you have lyme disease.

Mike will be on antibiotics for a month and should not have any lasting

effects of the the disease.

So you are wondering if he is quitting his hike. No way... I am just

trying to get him to rest for 48 hours in town before he heads off to on the

trail.But what do I know ? I am only a nurse and his wife :-)

Trivia: Lyme disease got its name from Lyme Conn.

Now this is probably way more than you wanted to hear.

When he is in a place with access to a computer he will write you all a

news filled volume.
